Dimension Jump ’93

The second Dimension Jump happened shortly before the broadcast of Red Dwarf VI, and attendees were treated to oodles of detail about the upcoming series, including a preview screening of Gunmen of the Apocalypse, and a special Smeg Ups compilation that would later materialise as a Christmas VHS release.

Other memorable moments include Red Dwarf‘s future script editor Andrew Ellard entering the costume competition only to be beaten by a competitor dressed as a giant Talkie Toaster, and – as has since become a familiar occurrence throughout DJ history – Mr Flibble was auctioned.

The number of special guests increased this time around too, with the first DJ appearances for both Danny John-Jules (Cat) and Norman Lovett (Holly).


Danny John-Jules

Doug Naylor

Joe Nazzaro

Norman Lovett

Rob Grant


Coming Soon
If you have any pictures of this DJ that you'd like to share with us, please get in touch.