When and where?

Dimension Jump XXI is taking place from 10th-12th September 2021 at the Crowne Plaza Nottingham, England.

Where can I find more information about the venue?

More detailed information about the Crowne Plaza Nottingham is available at Hotel Information.

Which guests have been announced?

Each Dimension Jump, we invite as many guests as we can to give fans the best experience possible.

Guests so far announced for DJ XXI: Danny John-Jules (Cat), Hattie Hayridge (Holly), Norman Lovett (Holly), Rob Grant (Red Dwarf Co-creator), Paul Jackson (Executive Producer), Ray Fearon (Rodon, The Promised Land), Lee Cornes (Paranoia, Confidence and Paranoia), Ian Boldsworth (Steve, M-Corp),  and Matthew Clark (Graphic Designer, Series XII and The Promised Land).

As teased on social media this week, a surprise guest will also be dropping in for their first DJ appearance.

In addition, Chris Barrie (Rimmer) and Robert Llewellyn (Kryten) will be beaming in for live Q&A sessions via Zoom.

Please note that due to work commitments, Joe Sims (Tutt Johnson, Timewave) is no longer able to attend DJ this year.

N.B. All guests appear subject to professional availability.

What’s included?

Your DJ XXI pass gets you:

  • A pass for all three days of the event.
  • Entry to all of the guest Q&As.
  • Entry to the Friday night quiz and entertainment.
  • Entry to Saturday night entertainment and disco.
  • Entry into the Costume Competition.
  • Entry to Sunday afternoon entertainment. Past events have included: The Ace, Goitless, Smeg or No Smeg and Smeggheads audience-participation competitions.
  • Access to the merchandise room.
  • ONE autograph on a personal item from each of the guests.
  • Personal photos with the guests (during the autograph sessions, subject to time restrictions and guest preference).
  • An exclusive souvenir booklet suitable for collecting autographs from the guests.

What time does the registration desk open?

When you arrive at the Crowne Plaza Nottingham, we ask you to check in with The Official Red Dwarf Fan Club (TORDFC) team by visiting the DJ XXI registration desk.

The registration desk opens at 13:00 on Friday, 10th September 2021.

What time does the main hall open?

The doors to the main hall open at 17:00 on Friday, 10th September 2021.

What time does DJ XXI officially begin?

Dimension Jump XXI’s opening ceremony blasts off in the main hall at 18:00 on Friday, 10th September 2021.

Do you have any more detailed timings for the weekend?

Saturday and Sunday events will commence at 09:00 each day, and we expect to finish at approximately 18:00 on Sunday.

Upon checking in at the registration desk, you will receive a booklet which includes an order of events for the weekend. As you might expect with any live event, however, the schedule is subject to change.

Exact timings will be broadcast throughout the weekend via public address, various whiteboards around the hotel, as well as on our dedicated Twitter feed (@TORDFC_DJ), ensuring whatever happens, you’re always up to speed with what’s going down in Groovetown.

See also: DJ XXI – Live Updates

How do I purchase DJ XXI merchandise?

We’ll be selling the usual array of top-notch Red Dwarf and Fan Club merchandise in The Hampton Suite at the hotel.

The merchandise room can accept payments via cash or card.

How do I purchase a Coffee Lounge ticket?

Dimension Jump’s Coffee Lounge sessions offer a not-to-be-missed chance to chat with the on- and off-screen stars of the show over a brew.

Understandably, these sessions are very popular and tickets are strictly limited to ensure these events remain uniquely intimate (and safe).

This year, we will be running a ballot for the opportunity to buy tickets. You can register your interest by giving your name (plus a friend’s, if desired) at the registration desk. The ballot will close at 21:30 on Friday, 10th September 2021. Randomly chosen winners will be informed via hotel whiteboards, and asked to come to the registration desk on Saturday morning (between 08:30 and 10:00) to pay for their tickets.

Coffee Lounge tickets cost £30 each. You can attend either the Saturday or Sunday session – not both. Coffee Lounge guests will be confirmed on the weekend.

Please note that the registration desk is only able to accept cash.

How do I purchase a ticket for a professional photoshoot with the guests?

Professional photoshoots tickets are available to purchase from the registration desk.

Tickets cost £30 per photo. Additional prints of the same image may be purchased for £5 each.

Photoshoot sessions take place on Saturday and Sunday mornings with the group of guests in attendance that day. The group of photoshoot guests for each day will be confirmed at the registration desk.

Please note that the registration desk is only able to accept cash.

What COVID-19 precautions and recommendations do you have in place?

Please read our recent COVID-19 precautions and recommendations post for further details.

There’s just one thing that still baffles me…

If you have any more questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.